Another boring night.

2002-03-09, 9:46 p.m.

I am so fucking board right now I want to scream. Today was my little brothers birthday so I went over to my parents for the birthday celebration, now I am home� alone� board� depressed and extremely lonely. I want to check my email but I am not even able to go online because my stupid internet server is fucking up. Right now I am writing my entry on MS word I figure I will post it later when I can get onto the net.

Do you know that country song� I am not sure who sings it but it�s called� �The Long Goodbye�? I have been doing some thinking� and I realize all the problems with our relationship are my problems. I am the reason Danie and I are having a hard time right now. I really don�t want to deal with life right now� I wish I were dead.

Trying to kill some time I took this Matrix character test to see who I am� and what a surpsise I�m�

click to take it!

You sometimes doubt yourself - who you are and what you can do. You're a curious person, with questions and concerns about the world. You go along with the crowd and aim to please others to your best ability. But when you finally discover what you're really capable of, you can do some serious ass kickin'! You're fast and furious, and you will always stick up for what you believe, and those who you care for. Not only that, but you're charming and charismatic, so you get along with people well, anu.

d others often look up to yo
