Wooha buddy!

2002-04-01, 5:27 p.m.

Another long fucking work day today. I was there for 14 hours after getting only a few hours of sleep again. I am like a walking zombie. So tired I can�t even sleep. My today started at 11pm last night.

Jessica worked dairy today but I am trying to get over my silly little crush on her so I was trying to avoid her all day. She came up to me and said I was grumpy and she was going to cheer me up. She joked around with me a little and I did not laugh. She seemed hurt and asked me if I was mad at her. I told her no, I was just tired� I wanted to tell her the truth but I don�t want her to know that I still like her. We have become pretty good friends and I don�t want to screw it up. She sees me as a good friend only now. The other day we were working on the same aisle and this guy who she has a serious crush on came down the aisle to say hi to her. Her face just lit up and I could tell he likes her too. After he left her smile remained. I admit I was jealous but I was happy for her. She asked If I thought he was cute? I reminded her I am a dude and I am not gay. She said guys size each other up but they just wont admit it. Whatever! Instead of answering her question I asked one. �Why don�t you ask him out?� she said she was not sure if her liked her. HOW COULD HE NOT? She is so beautiful, funny, sexy, cute� I could go on but I better not =)

I assured her I could tell he likes her and that made her happy.

I remember when I was her flavor of the week, it really hurts I was so easy to push aside. But it�s for the better I guess. Now I am just her male friend. And I want to be happy with that. Why can�t I be happy with that?

p.s. I love Danie =)
