Woman, just because you have more hair on your chest then I do, it does'ent make you the man in the relationship!

2006-03-20, 6:13 p.m.

I am counting dowm my final 6 days in this shitty town! I would like to say that I regret coming here more then anything I have ever done before... but as bad as it's been, I have learned so much. And I think it helped make the relationship between me and Martini stronger. Not to mention I would have never met Tara, who has turned out to be one of the best friends I have ever had. Even though she is wild and crazy as hell, I am so glad that I met her.
It's great that she is moving to Jackson with us but in a way I hope it's later then sooner. She is talking about coming up in a month or so and that would be perfect. That would give me and Martini some time to ourselfs for a while.
Not that I don't want her coming with us, it's just I see her more then Martina because we work together all day, then live together all night. We just need a little break... Have some hot sweaty lound sex and just spend some quality Mike and Martini time.
Me and Tara drove up to Jackson on our day off Tuesday and it is so nice there... We will be moving from the trailer park capitol of the world in Gillette, to the beautiful fancy Jackson Hole. What a wonderful change. I know it's going to be hard, I expect that. The expectations are much higher in Jackson then they are Gillette lemme tell you. I plan on putting in more hours, and working even harder then I do here. But yet I am still thrilled to go. I know I can be a better manager my second time around and I am excited for the chance to prove it.
Not to mention I will be working for a store director that I actualy have repect for, that alone will make me 100 times better. I will be getting away from that peice of shit grocery manager and his piece of shit freight crew that has been a thorn in my side since I took this job.
You have no idea the weight that has been lifted. Though I am not so nieve that I think it's going to be easy come easy go in Jackson. Like I said before I am away I am taking on a much more difficult job, not to mention I am a middle class guy moving to one of the richest towns in the Country. I fear that living there I will have to sacrifice my... buy whatever the fuck I want and, do what ever the fuck I want lifestyle. This is no shit, I was looking at a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom condo for... $379,000. Or a studio for $259,000. Houses there are in the millions no joke. I saw one house in a magizine that I really liked but it was over 6 million dollers... hold on $6,000,000! and some change. So unless I win the lottery I will be renting an apartment for... i'm hoping between $1,200 and $2,000 a month. Yikes is right.
So back to my point... I know it's not going to be all cake and ice cream but I am ready and excited for the challenge, and aware of the obsticles I'll be coming up aginst. But more importantly I am just tickled to be getting out of of this fucking peice of shit town.
