Whooping boy!

2002-04-05, 1:40 p.m.

Man I am beat. Quiet literally actually. I just crawled home from my martial arts class. Sure it�s only my 3rd day and I am supposed to loose but somehow I got lined up against this ogre who ways about 285lns. Not to mention he just happens to be one of the instructors so he might know a thing or two as well. Good thing he was going easy on me. None the less� It took me some time but when I finally got him in a pretty good headlock all he had to do to get out was lift me up and then fall on top of me. OUCH! I could not breath for like 5 minutes after. The dude is like literally 2 � times my size and when someone that big comes down on you your natural reflex is to let go� the next thing I know he had me in a headlock. There is of cores more to my day but I wont bore with details.

More stress at work� Get this� I have to go to a store out in Bangle Blvd. To assist them with there remodel. That�s right� REMODEL. Why am I pissed? Because my remodel was supposed to start last week. THOSE BASTARDS! I am going to kill people. My store is like 700 years old and these fuckers are tearing down stores that have been remodeled like 5 times since my store has had one. Why do they put my store off so much? I am sure it has something to do with the fact that it will cost more to remodel my store then it would cost to build a new store in Jackson Hole. I think it�s like $12 million or around there. If you saw my store you would understand why so much money. It�s a nabor hood store and it�s on a hill. And it�s about half the size of most stores� oh and it dose $350 thousand a week. Not a lot but if you compare that to the size of the building� then it�s a WAY LOT!
