a kinda good idea... i think.

2001-10-05, 7:02 p.m.

i think i have a new layout thingie. cool huh? this girl named angelica designed it for me. hi angelica you are so nice to waste time on little old me. thank you.
i have a kinda good ideal on how me and danie could get caught up money wise. but im afraid to even mention it to her. i know she will say no, and probably get real angry and write bad things about me in her diary. so... here is my ideal, danie can prostitute herself by night and work as a waitress at hooters by day. good ideal huh? think shill be pissed if i ask her?
ok im just kidding but you either laughed or thought horrible things about me when i said that so fooie to you.
no really... the lease is up on are apt. at the end of november. i though it to be wise to maybey move in with my mom and dad for a few months tell we get caught up. my parents are awesome and would have no problem letting us stay with them for a while. the problem is danie would never go for it. we lived together with my parents when we were 17 and she hated it. and she is too stubborned to make a small sacrifice for the better of our future. no matter how much better off we will be. she would never go for it. i just know it. but what the hell... its not like ive never pissed her off before right?
