just a 'notha day at work

2001-11-12, 8:16 p.m.

i had a real stressful day at work today. lotsa invintory. a whole bunch of numbers and stuff. i'd go into more detal, but i like to remain somewhat of a mysterie.

i have more invintory tomorrow. i hope they don't mind that i'm comming into work drunk.... i'm a bit sloshed now, and i'm planning to have a bloody joe or two for breakfast tomorrow. i have to be to work at early.

speaking of work i don't remember if i've told you about the lady in the bakery. her name is julie. now i've had a crush on her forever. never mind that she's almost double my age. she's just gorgous. not to mention her brests, i don't care that her tata's are fony they are fun to squeez. and i got to today. in between calculating invintory and counting stuff, julie and i had a quicky.

befor you get all mad at me, danie knows i've had a crush on her, and i'm sure she won't be mad that we squeky squeky. if i tell her. i'm not sure if i'm going to right now. she might not understand that it was meaningless.

i'm glad, though that julie won't be into work tomorrow. it's going to be kinda weird. and i'll never look at the dairy cooler the same way again.
