Is she playing games?

2004-04-07, 9:08 a.m.

I might be working night for a while. We just got more hours cut again. Every time you think it�s so tight they can�t possibly cut anymore hours, they find a way. And there is always a reason. It�s never a good one but at least they have one. This time it�s �common measures� a program that�s supposed to make everyone more productive. In theory it�s a great plan. But in reality (witch last time I checked that�s the one we are in) it just don�t work. Things come up nothing ever goes as planned. Like my job for example... I am supposed to come up with a daily routine. Let me tell you what my daily routine is... I show up, I clock in and I find out what the hell went wrong and I fix it. Then when I�m done I find out what else went wrong and fix that etc. that�s my freaking routine. And I think I can safely that�s the same thing everyone else is doing too. Daily routine my ass. That is the excuse for cutting back more hours. Sales keep going up, and labor keeps getting tighter. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around. So because of this and me not have enough labor to schedule a 4th freight thrower. I am now the 4th freight thrower. Oh well I get a lot more done at night anyway.

I filled out a profile on one of those sites, I guess well see how that works out for me. I think if I start meeting other women it will help me get over my unwanted love for Heather. At least I hope so. We have not talked since the incident where I made a huge ass out of myself and spilled my guts about liking her. The fact that she had absolutely nothing to say about it is kinda messed up. When a girl likes me and I don�t feel the same, I politely tell her that I am not interested. I don�t play these games where one day I act interested and as soon as they start to get excited I blow them off and ignore them. And it sure seems like that�s what she is doing. I remember a while ago Danie asked me if she might be playing games with me because something I told her led her to believe she might be, and I was like �no she would not do that�... well now I�m starting to wonder if I was wrong.

I need to go make breakfast (or is it dinner?) Then get to sleep because I�m going to a Hockey game tonight with Ben, Ash, and hopefully my little brother.
