time to get my ass in gear.

2003-07-20, 10:53 p.m.

last night tini called. she wanted to talk, so she came over and we talked. we decited to try and make it work, so the deal is i have to stop obsessing about danie. and we both need to find our own hobbies so when where not together we have something constructive going on. i think i am going to get back into martial arts. and make a regular schedule at the gym. she is going to start hanging out with her friends more. i think its a damn good plan. the only problem is before she met me she was into drugs witch i HATE! i though i had cured her of that but the day we broke up she went out and got high again. the only problem with her friends is... they are the people she new before me and they are stoners. i fear her being around them will influence her to get high. that is the main reason i have had such a tuff time falling for her. I FREEKING HATE DRUGS!!! and i dont associate myself with people who live that lifestyle. yes i am judgemental but thats just me. i can see she is a good person and wants to stay clean, she is safe around me... but i worry about some of ther friends. but ill try not too becaise we both need our space. her friends are her space.

danie called me tonight... i guess to tell me why she always writes bad things about me in her diary. i think she has a good reason... after all it is her diary. and if it helps her deal with shit who am i to say anything. we all have differant ways of dealing with shit. her way is to remind herself that we hurt eachother so she can move on. my way is just sitting around feeling sorry for myself... in in alot of ways... her way is much better. especially since she has moved on and im still struggling.

but im glad she called i do feel better. so if your reading this... AND YOU BETTER NOT BE... thanks. im sorry i reacted so quickly and harshly. it just hurt.
