Want to piss me off???

2004-08-31, 5:49 p.m.

I think I am just a sadomasochist or something because continue to do things that I know are going to come back to hurt me again and again as long I keep doing them. Like hanging out with Martina. What good can come of it? I am so resentful of so many things that happened in our relationship as long as I am in love with her I will always feel the pain of what�s happened. I know she really don�t want to be with me anymore... she just wants me there to make her feel good when she does not have someone else around. Things did not work out between her and her daddy figure so she came back to me. Now I find myself in the same boat I was in before. I really need to stop doing this to myself.

But I tried to move on and I even went out with someone else. That did not go over so well for me. First off me and this girl have nothing in common so there is really nothing to talk about. And the thing that really pissed me off is she blew me off the other night. That is why I hate dating... I cant take the letdown and disappointment. The whole time wondering if she likes me, wondering if she thinks I�m acting like a total nerd. My problem is when I meet someone I try way too hard and that usually turns people off a little. And then when I get blown off I take it all personal and get my feelings hurt.

First off this girl was not worth getting my feeling hurt over, I told myself that from the beginning but I let it happen anyway. Fuck her though she is the one missing out... not me =)
