
2004-12-14, 5:49 a.m.

So much has happened since I updated last I don�t even know where to begin. I guess sine I have to be to work in a half hour I had better make it short. I don�t remember where Martina and I were the last time I updated but right now we are back together and even living together again. I�m sure that probably sounds crazy but things have been very different� even good, and sometimes great. Occasionally bad but I know all relationships go through that. I think that finally accepting the fact that Heather did not feel the same about me as I did her and moving on helped a lot. And the positive way I treated Martina reflected back on to me because the better we treat each other the happier our relationship is.
The rest of my life has been good too. Work is pretty much the same as always. I joined a bowling league with my mom and dad. That has been a lot of fun. Martina and I have been going out a lot more and meeting new friends so for the first time ever I think I might actually have a social life. Mostly my Saturday nights consist of insane amounts of alcohol and passing out somewhere naked. But my phone rings a lot more then it used to and people even come over to my apartment to hang out or even party with me/us.
Well I had better get my skinny little white ass up to the store and get the fuck to work. Bye.
