Am I a grown up already?

2009-06-04, 10:17 p.m.

My daughter is 18 months alredy... WOW! Time flys lemme tell you. I am still trying to grasp the fact that I'm Dad and before I know it I'll be chasing boys off my porch with a shotgun. Life is funny like that, I think I still feel the same I did 10-12 years ago, only now my back hurts and I need glasses. I really dont feel any differant but I'm sure I have changed alot without me noticing. For the better I hope.
Oct I will be married for 3 years, it has not been easy like they say... but worth it. I would not change a thing. Except maybe a few poor choices I made but I'm over it now and I think I learned from my mistakes.
Sometimes I wonder if my wife is falling out of love with me. I know that sounds terrible and I know that she loves me. But There has been trouble in paradise and it seems like the bond between us is not as strong as it used to be. I know that she has a problem with anger and I can deal with the outbursts and the hurtfull things she says when she is mad. That is not what I'm worried about... I have noticed she does not look at me the way she used to, I can't remember the last time she seemed happy to see me. It's all the little things hard to explain I guess. Oh well I just hope I am wrong.
