fed up!

2004-08-22, 12:32 a.m.

I really need to update more often I know. I think I pretty much hit rock bottom yesterday and when that happens I am usually ultra motivate the next day. I worked a graveyard last night at work and I got to thinking... I know I have said this before but my friends suck big time. So about half way through my shift I got myself pretty riled up over things and I realized I just need to move on. I need to get over Martina and ditch my sudo friends once and for all. If we hang out fine but I will never again set myself up to be let down. I need to become emotionally independent. It will be hard at first but like everything else I try ill get the hang of it soon enough. I am going to make a list of goals. And a list of positive things about me. Sounds cheesy I know but apparently it works. Well see though.

I have reason to believe Martina is seeing someone. We have been broken up for a while now but we have still been hanging out until recently. She just stopped calling me, and when I call her she shuts her phone off. When I do talk to her she wont tell me where she was. I know its none of my business but its worth asking right? She is doing it right though It is none of my business and if she tells me it will only hurt more. Its hard to believe it but she just like danie are the strong ones again. Weird how that works huh? Im the strong one our entire relationship until we break up. Then I break down and they pony up. At least one of us has the guts to pony up right?

I got to go ill Finnish tomorrow...
