Part two.

2005-12-23, 8:07 p.m.

This is part two of my last entry!
I think part of my drinking problem since I got here is this... Besides Martini I dont have any frineds here that I can stand unless I'm drunk. I know thats a sad thing to say but all of the people I hang out with are basicly drinking buddies. There is this one girl at my work we hang out with all the time... and I realized just the other day that... I dont really like her. She is very immature and also two faced. The only reason we hang out with her is because we are desperate for friends, and shes not a bad person to just get shitty with.
Save one. I have a REAL friend here... her name is Kris. I met her when I first came to Gillette. I liked her from the start. But shortly after I got here she went off to collage. We kind of kept in touch through a mutual friend (the shallow girl I was talking about before) Anyhow she was coming home for christmas break and she called to talk to me. She told me her car was broke so she needed to wait till sunday until her friend could drive her up here. I had a few days off work so I offered to go and pick her up, She accepted. That was last Wedsday. So I drove down there it was about a 4 hour drive each way. We had a great drive home, that was the fastest 4 hours ever. We laughed, we had some deep conversations, and got to know and understand eachother real well. Since then we have hung out a few times. At the christmas party I talked about in my last entry she! not Martini took care of me. When my girlfriend was busy being pissed off at me, Kris was nice to me. When we were leaving and I got out of the pisser guess who was waiting outside the bathroom door for me, and guess who was outside complaing about me? Thats right while Martini was outside telling said "bad friend" what an ass I am. Little 100 lb. Kris was carring my drunk out to the car. She took care of me all night then Martini drove me home, dropped me off and left. She went out to the bar with some of her friends. I tried calling her phone but she would not answer. I was drunk and upset i needed to talk and my own girlfriend was busy dancig and flirting with cole miners to talk to me. Then guess who calls to see if I made it home OK? Kris of corse. Then I kept her up all night crying to her on the phone until I passed out. I dont remember what all I told her but I think I have an idea. I think I told her I like her more then just a friend... and thats the truth... I do.
The other night she came over to our apt and hung out with us. Martini went to bed. Me and Kris stayed up and watched a movie. About 2 in the morning I walked her out to her car. (or her parents car) This time I was sober so I asked her if I told her I liked her on the phone that night. She said yes I did. I told her that was true and then I asked if she felt the same. She said that she did, and she looked me in the eyes when she said it. My heart has not beat like that in a while, I think I forgot to breath for a bit.
The best thing about it is we both know the timing is not right. I have a girlfriend and she is in collage. But the fact that we know that we like eachother leaves it open for the future. It may happen some day... and it may not. I guess we will just have to see. And I feel pretty damn good about that for some reason. I am not like that, I dont like waiting thats always been a problem of mine. But for whatever reason this time I find comefert in... waiting. Huh.
I just gave her a hug told her to drive same and layed down in bed next to my girlfriend and fell asleep. I saw her today and things were just as they have been... only differant if that makes sense.
