Ninja Bunnies

2006-02-13, 8:33 p.m.

So I got the ring today... right now it's hiding in the closet until tomorrow. It's even nicer then I thought, it sounded crazy to be buying a ring on the internet, but it worked out nicley. Besides I live in Gillette so if I wated to buy it here I would have gotten half the ring for twice the price... FUCK THAT!
We are going out again tonight... I have been going out alot since I met Tara but at least I'm having fun right? She is so cool, and we are not just pary friends either... last night she came over and helped me rearrange my entire apartment. I like hanging out with her so much. The challange is going to be keeping it on a friendship basis because she is A) hot. B) sexy/cool. C) she has long brown hair. Well I could go on all night but you get the picture. And we both kinda admited that we like eachother the other day. I had been feeling it since we first met but that was the first time anything was for sure. We were talking about finding her a nice guy and I made some crack about me being the only nice guy in Gillette, then I said sorry I'm already taken but if I were not she would be in trouble. Then she said if I were not taken I would be the one in trouble. But I'm a good person and I trust myself not to do anyhting to hurt Martina so it's alright that Tara and I reamin freinds.
